[RP TownTalk] Candidates' Forums before election?

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 21:50:36 UTC 2007

I couldn't agree more, Audrey. What single more important act is there
for us residents than voting in our town elections? and on what are we
to base our decision as to who to vote for? Is it not in the vital
interest of the town (collectively, and as individual residents) that
each citizen have as much information as possible prior to deciding
who to vote for? what *better* use would there be of the town's
virtual and physical facilities than to provide a forum for candidates
to explain what it is they would like to do for our town?

On 4/15/07, ABragg7393 at aol.com <ABragg7393 at aol.com> wrote:
> I am really surprised that there are no Candidate Forums.  We have been
> having them for several years.  I remember having one at the Bookshop and
> then the Town Hall.  This is the best way to hear what the candidates have
> to say and they are very informative for the voters.  I cannot help out with
> a forum at this time, but I am sure with 5000 people in town someone will
> take a turn and do this very important community service.  I don't
> understand why the Council voted not to have the forum in the Town Crier.
> We should be able to read about the candidates and what they have in mind
> for the town if they are elected.  How can we make a decision without that?
> One of the major questions I would put to a candidate is "What about Town
> Center?  What are your plans and how will you implement them?  The major
> owner has not done anything to revive the center in years and when are we
> going to call him on that?"  If any candidates read this and have an answer
> or a plan, I would like to hear it.  You could win my vote!
>  Audrey Bragg

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