[RP TownTalk] Trains and Horns

Lou King lking at knob.com
Mon Apr 16 20:55:06 UTC 2007

Leslie, sorry to hear you are loosing sleep.

Back in the dark ages when I first joined the service I lived next to 
the tracks in Mississippi.  The situation was similar to those of you 
living on Lafayette Ave., with a new baby. The tracks were the main 
railroad between Mobile and New Orleans and the crossing in front of our 
shack was ungraded, just a "X" Railroad Crossing sign.  I thought I 
would never get use to the noise. (Being able to walk to the beach did 
help.)  One afternoon I heard an odd noise and looked outside. A train 
had hit a car and thrown it into our side yard. The tracks were about 10 
ft above grade and the car had stalled crossing the tracks. The people 
heard the train horns and bailed out of the car in time.  I didn't even 
hear the train.

The horns/bells do serve a function.  I would guess a long time resident 
could till us when the last time someone was hit by a train here.  On 
the other hand I think all the horns are like wearing garlic around my 
neck. I mean I haven't had a cold or seen a vampire in years. Should I 
get rid of the garlic?  Considering the potential cost, which horn would 
you eliminate?

I will hold out for a silver crucifix. Your new crossing will be here soon.


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