[RP TownTalk] Trains and Horns

CAROL DE PRATO tazimax at verizon.net
Wed Apr 18 13:51:15 UTC 2007

I can't remember the exact date (I was a child so it had to be over 20 years 
ago), but a truck got hit on the tracks.  I remember my parents driving by 
and seeing all the debris around the tracks.  Thats the last time I think 
anything was hit there.
Carol DePrato
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lou King" <lking at knob.com>
To: "'TownTalk'" <towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Trains and Horns

> Leslie, sorry to hear you are loosing sleep.
> Back in the dark ages when I first joined the service I lived next to
> the tracks in Mississippi.  The situation was similar to those of you
> living on Lafayette Ave., with a new baby. The tracks were the main
> railroad between Mobile and New Orleans and the crossing in front of our
> shack was ungraded, just a "X" Railroad Crossing sign.  I thought I
> would never get use to the noise. (Being able to walk to the beach did
> help.)  One afternoon I heard an odd noise and looked outside. A train
> had hit a car and thrown it into our side yard. The tracks were about 10
> ft above grade and the car had stalled crossing the tracks. The people
> heard the train horns and bailed out of the car in time.  I didn't even
> hear the train.
> The horns/bells do serve a function.  I would guess a long time resident
> could till us when the last time someone was hit by a train here.  On
> the other hand I think all the horns are like wearing garlic around my
> neck. I mean I haven't had a cold or seen a vampire in years. Should I
> get rid of the garlic?  Considering the potential cost, which horn would
> you eliminate?
> I will hold out for a silver crucifix. Your new crossing will be here 
> soon.
> Lou
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