[RP TownTalk] On the subject of noise

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 25 10:48:39 UTC 2007

There's been a lot of messages here about various
types of noise.  Can I ask, is there a town ordinance
about loud music?  It seems to me I remember someone
saying that if, in an apartment, the music could be
heard at loud volume outside the apartment, no matter
WHAT time it was, that it was considered a "nuisance."
 Maybe I'm wrong?  Occasionally I've had neighbors
play loud music during the day - my thinking is, if
it's loud enough that I cannot  clearly hear my own
television when I'm 3-4 feet away from it, and I play
my TV at normal conversational volume, then that
should be considered a noise nuisance.  Any thoughts
or does anyone know the law?   

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