[RP TownTalk] Town Center

Vernon Archer varcher at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 15:18:51 UTC 2007

Greetings again,

I will try to do a better job of keeping people informed of events, but its
difficult to know what to say and when.  Most attempts at making things
happen don't work out under the best of circumstances, and I don't want to
get peoples hopes up until there is good cause to believe something will
really happen.  I do also tend to make mention of town center/or economic
development in my Mayors report in the Crier and at Legislative
meetings. Again, I do know I can do better and will try to.

Regarding bridge inspection, the ones on East-West Highway are under the
states jurisdiction and inspected as all other state bridges.  Our bridge on
Riverdale Road is clearly in need of repair/replacement and we are working
to get state aid to do so.

Best wishes,


On 8/3/07, ABragg7393 at aol.com <ABragg7393 at aol.com> wrote:
> Thank you Vernon for your reply.  Your update was greatly appreciated.
> Maybe you could do a short update once a month or so on town talk to keep us
> abreast of what progress you are making.  I think that would help.  Then
> when we see something happening that looks bad we won't get so upset and
> paranoid.
> On another note, in light of the tragedy with the bridge recently - Do we
> get our bridges inspected at regular intervals and does someone in town
> review the safety records?  We have 3 bridges, Riverdale Road, East West
> Highway over the River and East West Highway over the Railroad Tracks.
> Just a thought.
> *Audrey*
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Vernon Archer, Mayor
Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland
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