[RP TownTalk] Traffic concerns, trains, etc

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 20:35:02 UTC 2007

It's true. I'd say more often than not when I walk to the MARC station
in the morning (usually at 7:30) there's at least one car pulled over
while traveling west on Queensbury, I presume for having violated the
one-way rule.  The same kind of attention paid to drivers ignoring
pedestrians and their supposed right-of-way could do as you suggest --
and put the erstwhile bookstore to at least some good use!

On 2/1/07, Lou King <lking at knob.com> wrote:
> Sue Collins wrote:
> > I got off a Metro bus at S&J yesterday
> > afternoon, it wasn't even fully into the rush hour
> > (around 4:30), and I had to wait several minutes
> > before I could cross Queensbury; Even though there's a
> > clearly marked crosswalk and a stop sign, people just
> > keep barreling through!
> That can be fixed and provide some income to the city. Kind of a where
> is a cop when you need one issue. I'm sure a marked car sitting in the
> Book store parking lot could fix this problem and if not $$$
> > and cars will sit in the line of traffic ON
> > the train tracks!  Common sense would dictate ...
> Darwinian biology does work slowly some times (but it does work!). Just
> have patients.
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