[RP TownTalk] Question on street clearing

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Sat Feb 17 22:34:16 UTC 2007

the frozen layers of ice in the parking lane and gutters raises
another question in my mind: i've never before lived in an urban area
that doesn't have storm sewers!!  with no drains in the gutters,
whatever melting goes on this afternoon simply pools there to freeze
again tonight.  i really find it mindboggling that we don't have storm
sewers in our town, and especially on Riverdale Rd, which used to, i
understand, be a numbered state highway (prior to the building of
East-West Highway, i presume)...

can anyone provide any history or background on this? has there ever
been serious discussion of a storm sewer system for Riverdale Park?
how is that we don't have this basic piece of infrastructure here??

On 2/17/07, Andrew Farrington <somefool at dvnt.com> wrote:
> I bought a pick-axe this morning, but it is backbreaking, 'heart attack'
> work.  The going is slow.
> East-West Hardware in Hyattsville has snow-melt, or did at 11:00.
>   -A
> On Sat, 17 Feb 2007, Dwight Holmes wrote:
> > well, the good news was that within an hour of my post (or Jay's
> > wakeup call post) they were shoveling the sidewalks on Lafayette &
> > Queensbury around Dumm's.
> >
> > more partial good news was that this afternoon around 1:30 i drove up
> > Riverdale Rd. past the school and saw that the sidewalk alongside the
> > park had indeed been cleared -- a fairly narrow path, but it had been
> > cleared.
> >
> > the bad news was that the effort stopped shy of the bridge.  neither
> > side of the bridge had been cleared! what a wonderful place to force
> > pedestrians into the street. needless to say, there is a lot of foot
> > traffic along there and i had to slow down to almost a stop to allow a
> > group of pedestrians to clear the bridge and then step out of the road
> > and up to the sidewalk where it had been cleared.
> >
> > on the subject of snow removal:
> > Does  the town's public works plow the parking lanes of our streets?
> > do they only not do it if there are cars parked there? why aren't the
> > cars left on the street towed or at least ticketed (perhaps it's
> > difficult to tow given the conditions right now)?
> >
> > our block of Riverdale Rd. (between Lafayette and 48th) has not had
> > the parking lane plowed. there are a couple of cars left out on the
> > street -- that's what got me to thinking.  normally i would have
> > shoveled in front of our place, but it's solid ice now.
> >
> > On 2/14/07, JayRite at aol.com <JayRite at aol.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> In a message dated 2/14/2007 1:40:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> >> dwightrholmes at gmail.com writes:
> >> as a pedestrian commuter (i live on Riverdale Rd, take the MARC to work) i
> >> can't help but notice that Dumm's Corner has adopted the same technique in
> >> this storm and the previous one: the front side by the entrances are
> >> shoveled but not the Lafayette side, and not the Queensbury side of the
> >> property.  (couldn't help but think back to the discussions here about how
> >> they are so much a part of the community...)
> >> Wuh-oh! Jimmy you better get Butch over there and get that taken care of.
> >> The Peanut Gallery has you under a microscope now!
> >>
> >>
> >> i also just came back from the Giant on Kenilworth and noticed pedestrians
> >> walking in the street on Riverdale Rd where the park is (between the school
> >> and the river). the school's sidewalks are cleared, but the sidewalk that
> >> runs along the park (of infamous reputation on this list as per an earlier
> >> thread) hasn't been touched. is this the responsiblity of the town? or
> >> MNCPP?
> >> LOL I love it! Who IS responsible for this? Perhaps because of that now
> >> infamous list, is the reason that it hasn't been touched. EEEWWWWW!!!!
> >> Please update us on this. I know that there is some watchdog somewhere
> >> willing to camp out to see the result.
> >>
> >> Staying tuned,
> >> Jay Wright
> >
> >
> > --
> > "Donna the Buffalo are like Dylan meets the Wailers via Louisiana and
> > Appalachia."
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"Donna the Buffalo are like Dylan meets the Wailers via Louisiana and

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