[RP TownTalk] Dumms Corner Development presentation Monday

Rob Oppenheim rob.oppenheim at comcast.net
Fri Jan 26 18:44:07 UTC 2007

A reminder:

There will be a presentation this Monday evening 1/29/2007 at 8 pm
on the latest proposal for mixed use retail and condo buildings along 
Lafayette Ave from Queensbury Rd to Oliver St (the Dumm's Corner area).

These proposed buildings are an improvement in materials and parking
over last year's Patriot  Group proposal, yet are still tall at 4 and 5 stories.

Perhaps some of us could take a walk among similar height buildings.
There are some near Route One on Knox Rd in College Park (the street 
beside the shopping center with Chipoltes, Santa Fe, 7-11, etc).

I walked along there, and I have to admit I came away feeling a little less 
concerned about the height. I did not come away happy about the height, 
just less concerned. The buildings are not as tall and overbearing as I 
had imagined.

There are some buildings of similar height on Riverdale Road in RP too,
although they are very different in style. 

None of these example buildings are mixed use. If anyone knows of 
some good example buildings, please let us know.

Rob Oppenheim
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