[RP TownTalk] Dumms Corner Development presentation Monday

Vernon Archer varcher at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 18:57:46 UTC 2007


I second Rob's suggestion that viewing some 4 and 5 story buildings prior to
the hearing on Monday would be worth spending a few minutes.  You don't need
to go far, as the Calvert Park Apartments on the south side of Riverdale
Road, just before you cross the river is 4 1/2 stories and a good
perspective is provided against a two story gabled house that is an
immediate neighbor.

Best wishes,


On 1/26/07, Rob Oppenheim <rob.oppenheim at comcast.net> wrote:
>  A reminder:
> There will be a presentation this Monday evening 1/29/2007 at 8 pm
> on the latest proposal for mixed use retail and condo buildings along
> Lafayette Ave from Queensbury Rd to Oliver St (the Dumm's Corner area).
> These proposed buildings are an improvement in materials and parking
> over last year's Patriot  Group proposal, yet are still tall at 4 and 5
> stories.
> Perhaps some of us could take a walk among similar height buildings.
> There are some near Route One on Knox Rd in College Park (the street
> beside the shopping center with Chipoltes, Santa Fe, 7-11, etc).
> I walked along there, and I have to admit I came away feeling a little
> less
> concerned about the height. I did not come away happy about the height,
> just less concerned. The buildings are not as tall and overbearing as I
> had imagined.
> There are some buildings of similar height on Riverdale Road in RP too,
> although they are very different in style.
> None of these example buildings are mixed use. If anyone knows of
> some good example buildings, please let us know.
> Rob Oppenheim
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Vernon Archer, Mayor
Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland
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