[RP TownTalk] re After new condos are built- what about traffic?

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 16:36:15 UTC 2007

I think the subj line of this thread should be changed to "*Before*
new condos are built - what about traffic?

Traffic was not discussed at the town meeting on Monday (parking was), though
obviously a new residential/complex with 120 condos will have a huge
impact on traffic in the town.  But traffic (pedestrian as well as
vehicular) is clearly an issue already,
whether or not the Dumm's Corner proposal is realized, as the early
posts in this thread discussed.

Hopefully Rob and/or others in an official capacity will respond to
your question. Having attended Monday's meeting, *my* sense is that a
majority of the council (and a majority of residents and others who
spoke at the meeting (many did not speak) are generally not only
favorable, but enthusiastic about the project.

I gather there are many next steps -- the usual Byzantine process of
various approvals from various levels and agencies of government.

Major outstanding issues that would require exemptions from the rules
have to do with height of the buildings, height and lack of setback
given close proximity to neighborhood houses, absence of public spaces
and amenities, parking, and proximity to the railroad tracks.

On 1/31/07, bruce.wernek at mindspring.com <bruce.wernek at mindspring.com> wrote:
> The inference from this discussion is that the Dumm's development project (Pete's) is very close to approval.  Is this the case?
> If not, what are the outstanding issues preventing the project from being approved.  I was anticipating some discussion on this topic since traffic is irrelevant if the project is nixed.  Can anyone articulate the differences between Pete's proposal and the earlier proposal from the Patriot Group?
> Bruce
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