[RP TownTalk] After new condos are built- what about traffic?

Vernon Archer varcher at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 23:41:25 UTC 2007

Don't have time at the moment to go into detail, but raw average crossing
track was 7049 trips per day when I ordered the count fall 2005.  Can't
quickly locate the information about average trips per day, but based on my
admittedly faulty memory it is basically 2 trips per bedroom for
apartments.  That would *very roughly* total approximately 300 trips based
out of proposed condos.

Will get more concrete data and send out soon when I get time to go back and
check my data.


On 1/31/07, Alice Ewen Walker <alice.ewen.walker at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thought I'd toss in what I could regarding a couple of items raised in
> the thread:
> - The December meeting re-cap from M-UTC that Vernon just posted
> summarizes the differences between what's proposed and the previous
> proposal from Patriot Group.
> (Note- the building set-back variance Dwight mentioned does not have
> anything to do with adjacent buildings -- it is a variance that would
> allow building closer to the train tracks. The development is in
> compliance with setbacks for adjacent properties.)
> - The Town did a traffic count in the last year to track how much
> traffic is crossing the railroad tracks. It's very high and the great
> majority of it is traffic originating outside of the town. (In my own
> view, if we want to reduce traffic, it would be through limiting
> through-traffic. Reducing new construction is not going to make much
> of a dent in our traffic woes.)
> - As far as traffic goes, it is true that the M-UTC zoning simply
> addresses the amount of parking that the development must provide.
> However, as a result of earlier discussions about the traffic problems
> of this site, there was some redesign of the proposed entry to the
> underground parking deck, based on community comment.
> In Patriot Group's earlier proposal, they had put the driveway on
> Lafayette, south of Riverdale Rd. Merging west onto Riverdale Rd from
> this location is very challenging during the morning commute. The new
> proposal instead has the driveway off of Queensbury roughly across
> from Natoli Place. I believe the town made them aware of the long-ago
> proposed Natoli Place re-alignment, which the design tries to
> accomodate/fit with, should it happen in the future.
> During the first round of discussions with Patriot Group, the
> developer hired a firm to do a traffic and parking impact analysis -
> presumably the town has a copy of the report.
> Would be great if someone could post the figures from the traffic count.
> - Alice Ewen Walker
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Vernon Archer, Mayor
Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland
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