[RP TownTalk] walking walking

Rob Oppenheim oppenheim at email.com
Fri Jan 26 05:21:29 UTC 2007

OK. So you know you've been meaning to get out there and take a walk.
But for some reason, it has not happened. Well, shame on you.
You really missed a beauty last weekend. The snow was gorgeous 
along the banks of the river. 

The good news is you've got another chance to redeem yourself this 
weekend on Saturday and again on Sunday.

We leave home at 4 pm and get  to Town Center Marc station at 4:05 pm. 
Join us there or at the park entrance at about 4:15 pm (maybe a little later).

We enter the park at 51st Ave & Somerset Road and turn north 
onto the hiker-biker trail. This weekend some of us may choose 
to return via the trolley path.

Walk as far as is comfortable for you. Start easy. Work up slowly.

See you there.

Rob Oppenheim
Ward One Councilman

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