[RP TownTalk] TownTalk Digest, Vol 11, Issue 1

Euniverz at aol.com Euniverz at aol.com
Fri Jun 1 05:16:41 UTC 2007

Dear Lou,
By the way I'd be happy to award you an honorary phd so you can be  
philosopher King...
I do beg to differ on the perception of a "lack of participation" in the  
budget process this year.  On the contrary, any one who came to the 5/20  meeting 
or the 5/31 meeting probably saw more citizen participation in  government 
than has been seen in this town in a long time.  I really  appreciated Rob 
Oppenheim's and other's getting the word out about that   meeting and impressing 
upon us on this list the reality of the tax  increase.  It was suggested at the 
5/20 meeting to give the council a  chance to hammer out some of the details 
and excellent points requested and  suggested by the citizens at the 5/24 
meeting...and attend the 5/31 meeting  instead.  And so I did.  As far as public 
participation  in the budget process is concerned, this year, the old adage "be  
careful what you wish for, you may get it" seems to apply. 
So worry not Lou, not everyone in town is too busy to attend.   Frankly, this 
time around, I can't afford to NOT attend.
Adrianne Lefkowitz
Madison & 48th

No one  appointed me Philosopher King, but the healthy discussion here is 
only one  part of a representative form of government. There is also 
direct  participation and letting you representative(s) know what you 
think/want.  (I must need an other treatment.)

Gerald noted that the at the 5/24/07  Finance Committee meeting the 
elected government and paid staff were all  alone, no public. Yes, we all 
have our excuses, (I'm 2,000 miles away). I  find it hard to believe that 
everyone in town that has an issue with  a-through-l above is busy. We 
are, of course, letting our ward council  persons know (directly) what 
"we" what our government to provide.  (Right?)

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