[RP TownTalk] WSSC & Ravenswood Rd

OurDollMom at aol.com OurDollMom at aol.com
Fri Jun 1 12:28:37 UTC 2007

There  are unhappy homeowners on Ravenswood Rd .
WSSC was replacing their 100 yr old stuff to each house -
WSSC did some of the replacement work but then
was told by Riverdale powers to be - to go home. And WSSC
did not finish replacing all the aged stuff they were going to.
Now during this period Dumms corner had work done by 
WSSC to Kenilworth Ave. & some deal was made between
Riverdale & WSSC where WSSC paid for the road to be
paved between Dumms & Kenilworth.
So Riverdale decided to try to make the same deal for
Ravenswood - and WSSC would not give the same deal
& offered to pay for the repaving only for where they messed
up the street or would give Riverdale the payment for the fixing
of the spot by the current infastructure company.  Riverdale  would
not accept that and told WSSC to go home. So the WSSC work
was never completed.
Thing is a WSSC old time employee has said WSSC would
never give the deal for Dumms/Kenilworth in the first place.   There
was a lot of trouble at WSSC for the mistake.  In no way would 
WSSC ever do this again as it was an error to begin with.
So now we are getting all this gorgeous and I do mean
gorgeous infastructure sidewalks/curbs/road - and soon the
water parts WSSC never finished replacing will break & our new 
infastructure will be a patch forever in the road AGAIN.
So please correct any misconceptions here so I can tell the
homeowners what the score is.
Emily - one homeowner

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