[RP TownTalk] budget spreadsheet, revised through May 31

Alice Ewen Walker alice.ewen.walker at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 22:36:31 UTC 2007

Arm chair budget trackers,

Here's a revised version of the 07/08 budget spreadsheet resulting from
the May 31 Finance Committee Meeting.  The next two meetings are
scheduled for 8pm, Tuesday and Thursday, June 5 and June 7 at 8 pm.

Thus far the sessions have covered the expenses for town hall, police
and public works. Current and incoming council members have suggested
net reductions of $57,550 so far. See attached for detail.

Nothing is finalized until the council votes, but this gives a sense
of the progress from the finance sessions.

Next, the council will review remaining general government expenses,
review all revenue, and review special assessments (capital
purchases). Thanks to Mary Donaldson and Kate Sharpe, our current and
incoming finance chairs for leading this process.

This spreadsheet will also be updated on the website.


Alice Ewen Walker
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