[RP TownTalk] budget spreadsheet, revised through May 31

Lou King lking at knob.com
Tue Jun 5 20:03:59 UTC 2007

Alice and all,
  Sorry for the delay but I have some questions about about the 
spreadsheets Alice provided.

1. PD  3.7-2 line 1 Officerers' Salaries == "Reduction to overtime and 
salaries based on current vacancies that will take time to fill."

Depending on your math, I understand this logic, but I do not agree with 
the results.  To keep the numbers simple assume 10 officer slots but 
only 8 assigned.  Yes, salaries/overtime will, on average be only 80% of 
the full complement, BUT service will also be only 80%.  If on the other 
hand you use level of service provided to the public vs hours paid, the 
amount of overtime alloted to the officers on staff will INCREASE to 
cover the missing two officers.

There is no indication in the notes that an increase in overtime is 
being considered to hold up the level service provided while the empty 
slots are being filled. Was this included in the thinking or does empty 
officer slots translate directly to less service.  In light if the many 
security issues/events discussed on this form, reducing the 
salaries/overtime pay available for the police does not sound like it 
meets the needs of the public.  I see two options a) the Chief has 
indicated that he can't spend the monies he proposed or b) someone is 
pinching pennies at the  potential cost of service.

2. Revenue Proposed.  I assume that the council has not gotten to this 
part yet.  When you do I "expect" to see the same type of "reality" here 
as with the expenses. For example, you cut budgeted line items to match 
actuals from last year. So on the revenue side are you going to cut 
proposed to match last years actuals?  For example line 2.23 Town 
Business Licenses: Proposed is $35,000 the same as last year. However, 
actuals are only $24,835. 

I know cutting budgeted expenses helps balance the budget and cutting 
expected revenue does not.  But shouldn't the same logic be used on both 
sides of the equation?

Boy am I glad I'm not in town.  I could really obsess on this.

Lou King

Alice Ewen Walker wrote:
> Arm chair budget trackers,

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