[RP TownTalk] no more burgers

Susan Lewis medicinewoman56 at comcast.net
Mon Jun 4 23:35:08 UTC 2007

OOOO! I know - how about an old fashioned ice cream parlour, with little
wrought iron tables outside - bistro style!!  I am lovin this development
thing!  Truth be known - I am a Cold Stone fan, even though I know we are
supposed to be anti-chain.  YUM.  Let's see - what else ... Coffee shop ...
Consignment shop ... News stand with postage stamps, magazines and
newspapers from all over - fruit market ... meat market ... bakery ...
remember it all? We could recapture that Norman Rockwell towne.  We really
can! We already have the farmer's market and the whistle stop train. Instead
of trying to change the unchangable - lets work with what we have a play to
our strengths.  The thing Riverdale does best is to BE a small town.  Let's
aim toward being the best small town we can.  Just my thoughts.  I'm still
hoping to hit the lottery so I can get a 10 bedroom house and move my whole
family in.  Rockwell... Walton's - no difference.

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