[RP TownTalk] Onslaught of Opossums in Neighborhood (Iris McLaurin-Southall)

Iris McLaurin-Southall elsiegoh at starpower.net
Fri Jun 8 13:31:14 UTC 2007

RE: Onslaught of Opossums in Neighborhood 

Thank you Alan, Lisa, and Bruce... you each gave comforting feedback.  And,
I hadn't thought about the way Bruce put it, having nature upfront and
close.   Ok, I truly am not real good with the upfront and personal
experience with nature.  But, to be totally caring and totally human... I
can work on it.    Here opossum, here cute little opossum...
(umm, Bruce, I'm sorry.  but I don't know if I can do it...  so just in case
I turn yella and run, what's your address so I run with the little guys in
your direction....)

PS just read Linda's response... you may be on to something, because I love
to study and research new information.  I might be able to make friends with
the little guys afterall!  I'll check out those websites!

Oliver Street

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