[RP TownTalk] wildlife

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 11 10:49:06 UTC 2007

No, I'm not talking about my apartment building, hee

RE the posts about possums, etc; with more and more of
their natural habitats being destroyed, it's
inevitable that the wild animals will "cross paths"
with us humans.  I agree with other posters, I enjoy
observing our animal friends and I think to a certain
extent they feel comfortable around me.  I would ask
that people stick to watching them though, and not try
to "tame" them.  Even if they wouldn't mean to do so,
if you try to hand feed or pet them, wild animals
could bite or scratch.  Among the wild folk I've seen
in the area are deer, foxes, squirrels, bats, and
birds, including herons, kingfishers, and hawks.  And
can I ask, has anyone besides me seen bald eagles in
town?  I saw one a few weeks ago, being chased by a
couple of crows!  

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