[RP TownTalk] Wildlife etc

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 15 13:23:48 UTC 2007

No, we don't live in a city, we live in a town, and I
realize we aren't talking about "lions, and tigers,
and bears, oh my."  Oh well, forget it; let's just
build, build, build, tear down the trees, chase off
the animals, put up more overpriced and poorly built
condos, make what up to now has been a unique
neighborhood with a lovely variety of birds and other
animals (not to mention a lovely variety of people and
buildings) into just another sterile suburb, just like
every other sterile suburb in the area. That does seem
to be what people want, but people who've lived here
for many years KNOW what we're losing.   

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