[RP TownTalk] Park Thoughts

Lou King lking at knob.com
Sat Jun 16 18:55:39 UTC 2007

Since you ask, almost every where there are more people than the local 
environment can support it cost to maintain the grass (which is of 
course not natural).

A simple example is my back yard. Ever Mon, Wed and Thur I walk from by 
back door to the curb with trash or recycle. This April-May I noticed a 
little trail developing along that rout.  Sure hope it recovers.  As for 
public spaces lets not even get started on National Parks etc. They have 
being so over used large areas are block off for years so they can 
recover and the demand is going up. With Adrianne's post I wish I knew 
what it cost to maintain Central Park in NYC so we could make a 
comparison adjusting for size and use.

Just like history, and the "good old days" every one has their own view 
of what is back to nature. There are those that want to make our 
National Park lands a museum and protect them for ever for any use. 
Others thank that maybe some high use areas like ball fields need a 
little "artificial" help so the maximum number of people can use the 
area safely.  Maybe we need turf fields for some uses and some spaces 
like Adrianne described for other uses.

Interesting thing about a democracy, compromise seems to work the best. 
Everyone gets a little. No one gets just what they want. Just a thought.


Susan Lewis wrote:
>  Where on
> earth does it take 50K to maintain an area of grass?  We aren't talking golf
> course grade here.  

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