[RP TownTalk] Park Thoughts

catarina correia chatareena at gmail.com
Sat Jun 16 15:16:27 UTC 2007

my husband per and I agree wholeheartedly...

On 6/15/07, Susan Lewis <medicinewoman56 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Since we are being asked...
> I would like to see a picnic area, a playground, an open field where kids
> can run & play and yes.. Maybe even get some mud on them. <gasp>  A place
> where a kid (or a grown kid) could still sit and watch a butterfly, or lay
> back in the grass and watch the clouds.  A place to spread out a blanket and
> eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Some trees and benches.  Where on
> earth does it take 50K to maintain an area of grass?  We aren't talking golf
> course grade here.  Leave it open to those of us who want to use it - we can
> bring our own volleyball nets... And take them home at the end of the day -
> $0. in maintenance.
> If an area is going to be fenced in - let's put in a small dog park.  Let
> the other family members play a bit too.
> Astroturf, artificial lights, permits to play.  C'mon, folks.  That's no
> different than the inside of a community sports arena... Just lacks a roof.
> There - that's my opinion.  Nothing more.
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Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth "You owe
me."  Look what happens with a love like that, it lights up the whole
sky  Hafiz

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