[RP TownTalk] "Electioneering"

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 00:33:18 UTC 2007

I agree! As long as there are no ad hominem attacks, what's the
problem with a good open discussion of the issues that affect all of
us? how much better than to next to nothing about candidates, which is
too often the case in local elections.

On 3/11/07, Euniverz at aol.com <Euniverz at aol.com> wrote:
> Just wanted to throw my $0.02 in but...
> In this day of spin doctors and 30 second sound bites, it's so difficult to
> learn about what candidates -- at any level -- have to offer the
> citizenry...it seems a shame to shut down such a relatively pure form of
> information dissemination.
> I understand the need to get clarification regarding the law, but if the
> same rules of nettiquette apply, or perhaps more electioneering-specific
> rules apply, I don't see why we can't just follow the same honest, open
> discourse before a declaration of candidacy as after.  But perhaps that a
> whole 'nother set of laws to write!
> It's certainly more appealing and more informative than those ugly Lawn
> Signs!
> Just a thought,  and hope you feel better soon!
> Adrianne Lefkowitz
> Madison Street

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