[RP TownTalk] "Electioneering"

Lou King lking at knob.com
Mon Mar 12 00:57:18 UTC 2007

The geezer with an opinion on everything is back! And I want to share. 
{being a horrendous speller I looked up geezer. I may have to find a new 
self demeaning adjective.}

After the Town Council spent time (lots of time) during both the 26 Feb 
and 5 Mar meetings discussing this list, the 121 members and what we can 
and can't say, I though there would be some discussion about 
electioneering on this list.  Having voiced my opinion more than once at 
the meetings I decided to let others speak first (drugs must have kicked 

Something must have happened to cause Alan to craw out of his sick bed, 
beat off sick kids and wife and post a policy yesterday.  With the 
exception of Adrianne's comments there has not been any views about 
electioneering publicly voiced either way. Do "we" not care?  Like not 
having _any_ intelligent public discourse leading up to the election?  I 
thought some time between the '60s and now we learned what the silent 
majority gets -- ignored.


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