[RP TownTalk] "Electioneering"

Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland twacks at his.com
Mon Mar 12 13:39:58 UTC 2007


I think a lot of people don't read their e-mail as often as you and I  
do, especially on weekends.  I suspect traffic on this will heat up  



On Mar 11, 2007, at 8:57 PM, Lou King wrote:

> The geezer with an opinion on everything is back! And I want to share.
> {being a horrendous speller I looked up geezer. I may have to find  
> a new
> self demeaning adjective.}
> After the Town Council spent time (lots of time) during both the 26  
> Feb
> and 5 Mar meetings discussing this list, the 121 members and what  
> we can
> and can't say, I though there would be some discussion about
> electioneering on this list.  Having voiced my opinion more than  
> once at
> the meetings I decided to let others speak first (drugs must have  
> kicked
> in).
> Something must have happened to cause Alan to craw out of his sick  
> bed,
> beat off sick kids and wife and post a policy yesterday.  With the
> exception of Adrianne's comments there has not been any views about
> electioneering publicly voiced either way. Do "we" not care?  Like not
> having _any_ intelligent public discourse leading up to the  
> election?  I
> thought some time between the '60s and now we learned what the silent
> majority gets -- ignored.
> Lou
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