[RP TownTalk] scam for "National Organization of Sheriffs Deputies"

Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland twacks at his.com
Fri Nov 30 00:49:03 UTC 2007

We received this notice from Dannielle Glaros, and and agree that  
it's important to get the word out....


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Glaros, Dannielle M." <DMGlaros at co.pg.md.us>
Date: November 29, 2007 1:22:38 PM EST
To: <twacks at his.com>
Subject: for towntalk

Can you please share?  This happened in College Park.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Ryan [mailto:bryan at collegeparkmd.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 1:00 PM
Subject: FW: Door -to-door solicitation scam for "National  
Organization of
Sheriffs Deputies"

The following information was provided by a City resident regarding a
potential scam. Please advise neighborhood contacts of this, and  
they report such activity immediately to police at the non-emergency  
301.333.4000, and that they do not contribute cash to door-to-door
solicitors. The City requires a permit for legitimate solicitors. You  
advise neighbors to take information and mail contributions if they  
wish to
legitimate charities after they have an opportunity to check out the
information provided.

     -----Forwarded Message-----

     Requester Message: I wanted to bring to your attention of what I
think is a scam artist working in the College Park, Maryland area. On
Saturday 17 November early evening a white male, medium build, 40s,  
light brown hair and mustache came to our door in College Park, Maryland
asking for donations for the National Organization of Sheriffs  
Deputy. He
had a hat and polo shirt with the logo on it. He also had the name B.
Childers on the a polo shirt. He went on to say the donations were to  
out deputies that were injured and or disabled in the line of duty.  
He went
on to say that he was out of Virginia. He was asking for a minimum of  
donation, which I gave him in cash. He had a bunch of cash already on  
clipboard. He gave me sticker with their logo on it and recite for a tax
donation with Tax ID#51-0475408. We believe he was driving a newer  
full size
white Chevy truck with a sliver tool box in truck bed and some kind  
of logo
on the door.

After they left, we checked the on the web and found out that their  
web site
(http://www.centermass.org/nodshop/web/aboutus.asp) was down. Then we  
that the Fairfax government's web site
(http://www.vdacs.virginia.gov/news/releases-b/032007sheriffs.shtml) and
Fairfax Sheriff's office web site
(http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/sheriff/news/solicitations.htm) both had
notices on them that National Organization of Sheriffs Deputy is a  
scam. We
then looked at the Charity Navigator web site
+organization+of+deputy+sheriffs&Submit2=GO&bay=search.results), which
doesn't show National Organization of Deputy Sheriffs in their  
database. The
last place we look was a web site
(http://www.sos.state.md.us/Charity/Charityhome.htm) to find out if  
they are
authorized to solicit in Maryland, which we could not find anything.  
we realized that we had been scammed, we called the Price George's  
Department. An officer came to our home and filed a report out with the
above information.

Dannielle M. Glaros
Legislative Aide
Councilman Eric Olson
District 3
dmglaros at co.pg.md.us

This E-mail and any of its attachments may contain Prince George’s  
County Government or Prince George's County 7th Judicial Circuit  
Court proprietary information, which is privileged and confidential.  
This E-mail is intended solely for the use of the individual or  
entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended  
recipient of this E-mail, you are hereby notified that any  
dissemination, distribution, copying, or action taken in relation to  
the contents of and attachments to this E-mail is strictly prohibited  
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