[RP TownTalk] Riversdale Gate Locked on Taylor - WHY?

Roland Walker walker at pobox.com
Sat Oct 27 18:16:30 UTC 2007

There was recently some pumpkin-related vandalism; I'm guessing that's why.

Let's hope they unlock it again in a couple of months.


On 10/27/07, Adrienne Allegretti <adgealleg at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know why there is a lock on the gate for the lower field of the
> Riversdale Mansion?
>  I often go through there as part of my walking/running circuit and have
> been disappointed several times in the past week to find a lock on the gate
> for the lower field along Taylor. I can't understand why their would be a
> padlock there which just encourages people/dogs to cut through the trail
> further down the ways, up the hill where the fence ends. This just causes
> erosion along that embankment and shuts out the community.
>  ~ Adrienne Allegretti
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