[RP TownTalk] Opportunity for Local Artists: Local Artist Partners-Clarice Smith PAC

Hyattsville CDC sweisenberg at covad.net
Thu Sep 6 19:17:31 UTC 2007


I'd like to promote this very neat opportunity for local artists being 
offered by the good folk at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the 
University of Maryland.
I am forwarding this message on behalf of my colleague at that institution.
Please see her note below.

Stuart Eisenberg
Executive Director,
Hyattsville CDC
301 779-1426

a non-profit organization

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lynnie Raybuck" <lraybuck at mail.umd.edu>
To: <sweisenberg at covad.net>
Cc: <"Lynnie Raybuck"@umd.edu>
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 1:25 PM
Subject: Local Artist Partners-Clarice Smith PAC

Greetings Artists,

The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center is initiating a program to
support the artists who are working in and supporting our community.
A small group, living primarily in the Gateway Arts District, are
being offered the opportunity to sign up for a discount ticket
card to available events for $7, our student ticket rate.

Our goal is to reach the emerging Gateway artists for whom our already low 
price is a deterrent; our hope is to increase their access to the performing
arts and allow them to explore work that is unfamiliar.
If you fit in these categories, please email me immediately.

We would like to put this in place within a week (our season opener is
Friday) so please reply immediately if you are interested (cut off is 
send me your contact info (mail, phone) and discipline and on the subject 
please write: Artist Card. You can access info on our season at our website. 

There are no strings attached to this offer although I do hope it encourages
conversations between the artists, with us and about art.

Best Wishes,
Lynnie Raybuck

Lynnie Raybuck
Cultural Participation
Community Engagement Manager
Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
Suite 3800  University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742-1625
lraybuck at umd.edu
fax 301.405.5977

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