[RP TownTalk] Town Center

Marc Molino mmolino54 at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 11 15:12:44 UTC 2007

I am in no way trying to pick on you here, but have you addressed any of 
these specific concerns to either the economic development committee or to 
your ward rep? I'm just curious because I think it's good to have this forum 
for discussion, but it's not the same thing as directly addressing these 
issues with our elected officials, and there is often much more going on 
behind the scenes than I am aware of...

This brings up the larger question of how much we can and should expect from 
our local government (and our we willing to pay for it)?


From: OurDollMom at aol.com
To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
Subject: [RP TownTalk] Town Center
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 09:23:33 EDT

It takes men & women to create
Town Center because we think

I had a lady who created glass artwork
come to my shop. She had established
base & was growing.  Beautiful work,
talented person who did other art stuff.
The rent was so high she could not make
it & she was growing too big for her current
place.  I went to visit her.  She told me
she even called the town but to no avail.
She left and went on.

That was a business that would have
been great for less rent.  Nobody
appreciated her.

I had another woman who did huge
modern paintings for businesses want
to rent.  She was excited until she found
out the rents.  She moved to Balto. where
there were other artists of her type with
lower rents. She is doing fine.

Wasn't somebody wanting to do a train
shop, meeting place etc & the rent too
high? They were even willing to share
with another tiny business.

There must be a way to avoid seedy
type low rent businesses to get the
art people in here and small shops
maybe by our own residents.

But high rents, a dead looking Town
Center & all of us having a hot debate
& then all drops dead - and by the way
the Town - just because there is just
my Little Place & the Pet Store - how
is the town advertising us, promoting
us.????? Supporting us????


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