[RP TownTalk] town center and more...

Drena Galarza djgal97 at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 12 20:26:11 UTC 2007

hi friends!  it has been a blast reading the recent posts.  i have to agree 
with rob that a dialogue is a great place to start.  this e-mail is actually 
two fold.  first, i would like to invite you all to my very first solo photo 
exhibit in silver spring.  i have been taking pictures for quite a long time 
now and i was presented with the opportunity to have a solo show.  its very 
low key, but im excited.  i would love to see folks from town!  the opening 
reception is on september 21st from 5 - 7 pm.  we will serve snacks and 
wine...  the address is 8121 georgia avenue silver spring.  its at the adams 
national bank.  see my website www.picturesbydrena.com for more info.

secondly, i would love to offer my photos for the windows of the vacant 
buildings in town center.  im not a painter or muralist, but i will have 15 
framed 8x12 photographs that will need a home in october.  unless i sell 
them all of course :)  some are taken in our very own riverdale park.  in 
fact, since i have the frames, if there is another idea for a series of 
photos you'd like to see in town center, id be happy to work on that.  let 
me know.  i would be love to take part in making the town center more 

best wishes, drena galarza (nicholson street)

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