[RP TownTalk] Police / Obama Event

Nancy Mooney nbmooney1 at yahoo.com
Wed May 14 13:59:45 UTC 2008

I want to chime in with Lou.  I've seen dogs in this area that have made me very nervous.  We know there have been rabid animals in our neighborhood and our citizens have suffered as a result.  I have a small child that plays outside, and we often take walks, so I'm very concerned.  I've called our wonderful police about dogs before and will do so again.

Our experience with our police forces as been excellent, and I am SO GRATEFUL that we don't have to wait for the County police to respond.  Every time we've called they've responded quickly and very courteously.  These men and women work a very difficult job and we need them.  Shouldn't we at least respect them enough to not make such serious allegations before getting more information?

About the Obama event; we have to tolerate so much noise in this neighborhood, at all such hours,  from music to barking dogs to car alarms,  I don't know what the problem is with an event that is planned, coordinated, and is part of the great political process.  I applaud Novella for being actively involved in the campaign of the candidate of her choice.  

>From Rosalie's Duck Pond (yes, our basement flooded ala Noah) - 


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