[RP TownTalk] trains and buses

Euniverz at aol.com Euniverz at aol.com
Sat Apr 4 12:56:39 UTC 2009

I think Rob clearly outlines many if not all of the issues surrounding  buses 
and our railroad crossing.  Most of the issues can probably be  resolved by 
not permitting buses to make those turns to and from Lafayette onto  
Has there specifically been that sort of discussion between the town and  
Metro and if so, is there any response to share? 
I have to admit the first I heard of the accident was my cousin  calling me 
to say she just heard that two TRAINS collided at the crossing  and I literally 
ran to my car to head home for fear of a CSX derailment.   It has certainly 
brought that faint thought more to the fore.
Adrianne Lefkowitz   

Safety  improvements are still needed: Better lighting; painted
cross walks; no  turns from Lafayette onto the RR crossing and

Break Away  Gates...

By the way, the gates are made to break away. If you  somehow
get caught between them, just drive thru the gate. Of  course,
this assumes that you can get past the other cars and  buses!

Turning Buses Totally Block the Intersection...

A day or  two after the recent bus accident, I watched a bus make
the left from  Lafayette onto the tracks. It completely blocked
the intersection and  forced vehicles to stop *on the tracks. *The
vehicles were totally hemmed  in by the bus and the cars in front
and behind them. Had a train come along  at that moment, a
horrible accident would have happened.  That is a  time bomb
waiting to go off.

At a bare minimum, buses need to be  routed so they do not make
a left turn from Lafayette onto the tracks.  

I wonder if we have the foresight to act now to improve our  RR
crossing safety. Can we be prodded into action by relatively
minor  accidents or do we have to wait until something horrible
happens, like a  death or a toxic waste spill?

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