[RP TownTalk] A view from the Ravenswood nest

Lou King lking at knob.com
Mon Apr 13 15:36:15 UTC 2009

Don Lynch wrote, On 4/12/2009 11:59 PM:
> No local ward meetings, discussions, comments or opinions requested.
> Just six individuals and a Mayor, making it seven individuals, acting independently of the rest of the town, making decisions and reporting the results weeks later in a Town Crier, with little additional information to go along with the decision making process.
Sarah overlooked that for those not able to attend Council meeting on 
the first and last Mondays of the month, both meetings are broadcast on 
the public access channel (Verizon #10, ComCast #71). 

Town Announce, in addition to listing scheduled meetings, also post the 
Proposed Agenda for Council meetings.  So if you are pressed for time 
you can see what is coming up and contact you Council person with your 

The implication that there are limited opportunities for citizen's input 
is incorrect. A few examples are:

Development on the Baltimore Av/East-West Hy corner.  The MUTC and 
council meeting on this development in town seemed to go on for ever. 
Starting with the MUTC process to assure that the development met the 
requirement/intentions established by Riverdale Park citizens were all 
open for public comment. As the developer refined the design to comply 
with the 100+ (I can't remember its a big number) requirements citizens 
were able to comment. The bank was a hot topic here with Council members 
participating.  The topic then moved to the Council meetings - and 
sometimes seemed to start over. Again public input was active.

Development Riverdale Rd/Lafayette Av. This was proposed as a 5 story 
building. Lots of comments. Lots of discussion about parking/traffic in 
town center in addition to objections to the size of the building.

Purple Line. Lots of discussion here, at Council meetings. Pros and Cons 
of bring the Purple Line down Lafayette to Town Center, or through/under 
the park, or along/over Kenilworth.

Now I wouldn't want anyone to think that the COC's live in health 
provider is getting soft. No one should confuse approval of the 
_process_ with agreement with all of the _results_. But I (we) have 
always had an opportunity to express our opinion and make suggestions to 
affect the results.

Putting on another persona, I note that all elected offices in town, 
that can run, are running unopposed. The two new candidates, Ward #2 and 
#5, are also running unopposed.

I'm just saying...


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