[RP TownTalk] The journey

Sarah Wayland sarah.wayland at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 13:14:47 UTC 2009

> Some have the used the word noble. Noble is a word that is reserved for
> much greater efforts, such as is represented by our veterans memorial.

I think art can be noble too.

> The town council has already approved your plan without knowing the content
> of your design and you now have considered changing the approach with the
> feedback of the community.
> I only wish the town council would have considered such a decision more
> seriously, in the context of its long term meaning, than what appears to be
> giving a few of our county youth, a day in the sun.

Alice Ewen Walker posted a note earlier on the "Mural Idealist" thread
that said, "The town approved the goal not the particulars. Where it
goes and what it looks like was not decided.

"We want to work with Chris to see if we can secure a spot with State
Highway Authorities.... Chris brought an example of the kind of design
or mural they are thinking about just to give some idea."

> I think the concept of getting your students involved in creating a public
> mural is great.

I think so too! I also think it's really hard, based on what I've seen
here on TownTalk....


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