[RP TownTalk] The journey

Don Lynch dlynch at garretroomstudios.com
Sun Apr 26 05:58:44 UTC 2009


Your first sentence of your last email clearly misses the point.

A town represents a group of people, many whom have lived here longer than 
you, your students, and others who make choices for the majority. Its a 
community that shouldn't be left out of a discussion, no matter where or 
when such a discussion occurs. 

A mural is as important to this community as any memorial, monument, or any 
other display of public sentiment, especially when its positioned so close 
to our veterans memorial.

Some have the used the word noble. Noble is a word that is reserved for 
much greater efforts, such as is represented by our veterans memorial.

What you propose is idealistic. Which is a good place to start.

I think the responses have been helpful and not negative. It just 
demonstrates that a mural, which will last for decades, is not a decision 
that can be made in a few short months, but must be taken on with the 
resolve of its inherent importance with respect to the long term beliefs of 
this community. 

You requested opinions and you certainly received them.

Some have proposed that an opposing viewpoint is considered negative.

Opinions are what makes this country alive and well.  I have expressed my 
own personal opinion on this list and would never expect an adverse 
response as a personal attack, its just a different point of view.

This country was built on varied opinions and its rich diversity is based 
on such opposing opinions. 

The town council has already approved your plan without knowing the content 
of your design and you now have considered changing the approach with the 
feedback of the community.

I only wish the town council would have considered such a decision more 
seriously, in the context of its long term meaning, than what appears to be 
giving a few of our county youth, a day in the sun.

I think the concept of getting your students involved in creating a public 
mural is great.

The approach also teaches that such an endeavor is very involved. Goals 
take a great deal of effort and perseverance and planning. There is no 
simple path to gratification.

The journey is the learning and maturing process.


Christopher Martin wrote, On 4/25/2009 6:51 AM:
> Who knew there was such concern for the concrete under the 410 bridge? 
>  Again, at the start, we just wanted to throw some paint / color -- on 
> a neglected space.  It was a mural for the community, designed by my 
> students, to be painted in collaboration with the community. Students, 
> btw, for whom collaboration with the community is not a natural or 
> common experience.   It was not originally about the community.  It 
> was really originally about the community taking an opportunity to 
> assist students.  The town council in their wisdom and kindness 
> approved that idea. 
> Chris Martin
> chrism at pgcps.org <mailto:chrism at pgcps.org>
Yes Chris, I too find the change in focus of the mural interesting. I do 
hope this public discourse does not eliminate or negate the original 
learning objectives the project intended for your students.  During any 
interaction with others, lessons are learned or reinforced. Hopefully 
the negative evaluation, 'my way or the highway' tone of TownTalk isn't 
the social interaction mode taken away by your students.

When you presented you idea to the Council, I though your idea of using 
the students interest in art as a vehicle to engage them in a socially 
positive group interaction was noble. As presented initially and then 
reinforced by the student's presentation to the Council (obviously a new 
experience for some), I come to the conclusion that all in all it didn't 
matter, and I didn't care, what the area under the bridge looked like if 
the learning objectives (dare I say socialization) of the participants 
were archived. It would be a shame if an opportunity for an initial 
positive experience is missed.

Lou King
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