[RP TownTalk] Complaint

Cranky old Coot lking at knob.com
Wed Dec 23 18:15:57 UTC 2009

Now we know who will be the first two people in line to pay property 
taxes like Robert R outlined: Art and Andy are leading the way! I can 
see it now sleeping in lawn chairs in front of Town Hall to make sure 
they get a seat at a budget planning meetings to demand higher taxes to 
be ready for the next once in a decade storm. - Oh wait budget meetings 
aren't crowded, leave alone budget planning meetings. Maybe you won't 
need your lawn chair to be the only one there.

The budget process starts getting serious in April, May and June. I 
assume I will see you two standing there demanding a significant jump in 
taxes to pay for snow removal equipment. Can you say tax escrow more 
than P&E ?

Considering the pain displayed by the Mayor and Council  last May/June 
to hold taxes in these economic times, you better get a lot more 
property owners and people that vote in local elections, to join your 
"Double Our Taxes" campaign. One or two people demanding more service 
AND higher taxes to pay for them won't cut it. You will need a crowd.

I need my meds (now that I'm home I've got to shovel my walk).


blueheron66 at verizon.net wrote, On 12/23/2009 8:09 AM:
> We pay good, hard-earned tax money
> Signed,
> Art Saggs

I'm the Cranky Old Coot's keeper, and I approve this message

Lou King

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