[RP TownTalk] Report on snow event and progress toward removal

Lou King lking at knob.com
Wed Dec 23 20:14:58 UTC 2009

Mayor Archer and all,

As I returned home from Colorado having taken care of a family issue, I 
checked my email several times.  After reading the Mayor's status 
report, I spent the next few driving hours composing an "irate" Open 
Letter to the Mayor, using my Cranky old Coot persona. The jest of the 
letter was to berate Mayor Archer for injecting facts into the snow 
removal discussion, thus denying  the old Coot his "god given right to 
uninformed speech."

By the time "the letter" was ready and I found a WiFi the TownTalk 
discussion had taken a personal turn beyond a joke. My letter was no 
longer appropriate.

In that light, David Lingua, Vernon Archer, (other Council members in 
general) I hope you understand my implication that your votes could be 
swayed by personal gain was made as part of a joke. Conversely, as 
demonstrated at Council meetings, I am not bashful. But before I would 
seriously be smug anyone's motives, I would  consult my liable lawyer 
and not use the persona given to me by a previous Council person. That 
persona is reserved for use in the same "spear"-ate as it was give. 
(only a little sorry about the spelling.)

Louis King

Vernon Archer wrote, On 12/22/2009 10:34 AM:
> Dear friends and neighbors,
> Vernon Archer, Mayor
> Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland

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