[RP TownTalk] Poultry

Cranky old Coot lking at knob.com
Sun Feb 22 17:41:24 UTC 2009

Sarah Wayland wrote, On 2/22/2009 10:25 AM:
>>>  It is county zoning code that prohibits them {foul}.
>> Which is as it should be.
> You know, I kind of like the chickens and turkeys that live down the
> street from my parents. They are really beautiful, and they are quiet.
We obviously have different childhood memories.  The folks that lived 
next door to my grandparents had chickens. = I see the difference, 
_/Next/_/ door/ vis _/Down/_/ the street/ = These were big 50' city 
lots. The neighbors were rich they had 3 lots, big  house, big flower 
garden. Behind the barn that had been for horse and carriage, they keep 
chickens. When I was 4-5 years old we lived with my grandparents. 
Because of the smell I never played on the swing set in the backyard.

Perhaps the dry Albuquerque climate helps control the aromatic 
characteristics of the natural soil enhancements.


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