[RP TownTalk] information

Alan K. Thompson twacks at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 22:06:02 UTC 2009

Hi Audrey,

There isn't a credit on the bill, just a lower tax rate because you live in
Riverdale Park.  There's a document on the county web site (for FY 2009,
though FY 2010 is similar) at


that has the tax rate by municipality, and also in the unincorporated areas
(page 16 in the document).  In Riverdale Park the *County* tax rate is
$0.7680, in unincorporated areas it's $0.9600.  So, your savings is $0.1920
(all rates are per $100 of assessed value).  For a $300,000 house this would
be a savings, compared to being in the unincorporated areas, of $576,
assuming I've multiplied correctly.  Of course, your Riverdale Park tax bill
more than makes up for this savings, though in return you get services above
and beyond those  available to county residents (for instance, the Town has
many, many more police officers on the street than would be available from
the county if we didn't have a police force).


Alan Thompson

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 5:06 PM, <ABragg7393 at aol.com> wrote:

>  Thank you Vernon for you input.  I do have a question you can perhaps
> answer:
> On my tax bill I do not see a credit for "Municipal Tax Differential" which
> is the credit we are supposed to get because we do pay for our own trash
> pickup through the town.  Is it in there somewhere and just not itemized?  I
> appreciate your involvement in this discussion.  Thanks.
> Audrey
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