[RP TownTalk] Street sweeping

Sarah Wayland sarah.wayland at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 12:57:54 UTC 2009

My Aunt Patsy told me that in the 50s and early 60s, the litter
problem was just awful - there was litter everywhere. It was on the
sidewalks, streets, medians, in the woods and streams. Everywhere....
As Jeffrey Yorke said, Lady Bird Johnson mounted a campaign to make
people more aware of their impact on this earth.

And the amazing thing is that it worked!

But we've forgotten.

The "No Littering" signs have come down because so many of us take it
for granted that we shouldn't have to ask others to dispose properly
of their trash. There are people who need to be reminded, people who
aren't thinking about their impact on others. I had a friend in high
school who used to pick up trash as it was dropped, and hand it back
to the person who dropped it saying, "You dropped this." I admired her
courage, but she got some angry responses. Some people really just
don't care.

And for that reason, I'm really excited about the Green Machine Alice
mentioned. As Bruce said, we all have to pitch in and do our part, and
I love that the town is also doing their part. Go Riverdale Park!


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