[RP TownTalk] Vandalism alert

McDougall, Sherene (Law) Sherene.McDougall at ngc.com
Wed Sep 30 13:14:36 UTC 2009

Morning all,

Just wanted to alert everyone to someone/persons going around spraying
cars with a powder-like substance.  Don't know if anyone else in the
neighborhood has experienced this.  I awoke this morning and found both
of my vehicles, my neighbor's vehicle and several cars on the 45th Place
block between East/West Highway and Sheridan covered with the powder
substance.  I called Riverdale Police and an officer was sent to
investigate.  He said the substance looked like powder from a fire
extinguisher.  The cars were washed off and no physical damage could be
seen.  The officer said that he would be putting out an alert to the
night patrols to keep an eye out for anyone looking suspicious or any
more of these events.


Sherene McDougall
45th Place

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