[RP TownTalk] Dumm's and decorum

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 14:35:34 UTC 2010

Thank you, Jim for your wise words.

As moderator, I have heard from a couple of TownTalk subscribers who
are concerned with the character of the dialogue on this thread. I
have been reading and re-reading the messages that have been posted.
There are mostly thin lines and grey lines here - no stark breaches of
netiquette. At least that's my read. And my read is that while Andrew,
who began the thread, has some strong opinions, they are based on the
topic at hand, which has raised out of a legitimate concern that he
has, and we all have. Namely, that we have a community that we are
happy and proud to live in and be a part of.

Some of the other messages posted in response have, in my opinion,
contained text that at least borders on being an ad hominem attack on
Andrew.  (It is difficult to parse these things out - particularly
when I don't know the personal relationship that does or does not
exist between posters; what might be jocular ribbing between friends
is something quite different between two people who don't know each
other.)  So I would ask everyone to please make your arguments (or
observations) without stating either in words or between the lines
that the author whose ideas you don't agree with is somehow,
therefore, lumpen, uninformed, or anti-business.

All of us who take the time to read and post to the list undoubtedly
care deeply about our community.  Let's be civil in regards to
whatever differing opinions we have about how to make it better.  I
worry every time I get a notice that so-and-so has unsubscribed to the
list. I'd rather grow the list thanshrink it! And I know it turns
people off to see what they perceive as a preponderance of hostile

While consternating over how exactly to state the moderator's case, an
appeal for general civility and mutual respect, Jim submitted his
post, which states it better than I ever would have come up with. So,
again, thank you, Jim.

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:07 AM,  <jcolema3 at aol.com> wrote:
> Dear fellow residents,
> I am writing to you on behalf of myself and my concern for our community. I didn't grow up in RP so I suppose that I shouldn't involve myself in this but I think it is important to recognize the positive and negative aspects of this subject. Firstly, please try not to squelch or impugn the character of others while getting your point across. It does no service to the subject matter. The legitimacy of argument comes from factual representation of a situation, not misrepresentation of the subject.
> Secondly, please don't stop suggesting improvements due to others' intimidation. This won't help our debate either. It is always up to the owner of a business to accept, modify, or reject any suggestions that come along.
> Finally, let's work toward a better place to live so we can all enjoy it together.
> Thanks,
> Jim Coleman
> 4911 Somerset Road
> Sent from my BlackBerry® by Boost Mobile
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