[RP TownTalk] Wind Power options instead of Pepco

Zach Feris zferis at gmail.com
Fri Jun 25 20:18:09 UTC 2010

Hi Jonathan, et al,

Thanks for sharing the info re: Clean Currents. My household will be signing
up soon in support of a Greener Greenbelt. 


I wanted to share some of my own research on the price/supplier comparison.
Those of you who have Pepco likely just received next year's supply cost
estimates (June 1, 2010 - May 31, 2011). I ran a comparison of the four
different Clean Currents options and found that the only options certain to
save money if one were to sign up right now are the two 50% wind options.
The 50% 1 year contract saves you 1.3%; the 50% two year contract saves you
2.25%. The two 100% wind options would actually be an increase of 3.44% over
Pepco's newly published estimates for the next 12 months. Note: Pepco's
figures are viable estimates of average use, while Clean Currents' figures
are fixed - so be mindful of the apples vs. oranges angle here. Anyway, I
thought the above info might be helpful to others who are presently deciding
how to proceed with a possible supplier switch.


All that said, there's more than one bottom line to consider. The
opportunity cost is not just monetary, so we all have to take into
consideration the whole zero carbon footprint thing; and the idea that by
NOT purchasing power supplied by Pepco's coal, gas & oil cronies (only 4% of
their supply is renewable -yikes!), we are pushing the national energy
supply envelope in our own little way. We'd also need to consider that
things may change in the next two years, and we could stand to be locked
into a 1-2 yr contract. I hope this isn't your case, Jonathan.


Anyways, hope this is all helpful. Thanks for enlightening us to the Clean
Currents option, Jonathan. Considering the number or Orange Alert air
quality days we've been having recently, we could all benefit from a little
less smog and a little more investment in something renewable - even if the
power source isn't actually in Maryland yet.


All the best,

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