[RP TownTalk] Dead animals, live deer, fans, and air conditioner question

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Thu May 6 13:12:25 UTC 2010

That's an interesting subject line, huh?

RE the dead squirrel or other small deceased animal; it's not legal to dump them, what about burying them in your yard or a wooded area (not park land), would that be permissible?  Unless the animal died of some disease, I don't think something as small as a squirrel would present a very big health hazard if you buried it.  (too, to be quite frank, it would "go back to the earth" and help enrich the soil).

Now, as to live deer; I've seen several deer crossing the roads up around the old Aerco building, Raytheon, that area.  If you drive up that way, especially around dusk or dawn, please be on the lookout as hitting a deer can really mess up your car (it's not too good for the deer, either).

I have 1 or 2 fans which I'll be getting rid of; is there any agency, organization, whatever, connected with the town or in town which takes fans and gets them to people who can't afford fans or air conditioners?  The fans are in good shape, but taking up space.  

And on to the air conditioner question; I will be getting rid of a large window air conditioner unit from my apartment in the hopefully-not-too-distant future.  As I DO live in an apartment, is there some way I can get someone in town to pick it up?  Or does anyone know of anyone in town who does odd jobs, etc., who'd take it and how much would they charge?  (bldg. maintenance at times isn't exactly reliable)

Thanks for any help!


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