[RP TownTalk] Dog Park, Old Club House and Proposed Field...

Lou King lking at knob.com
Sat Oct 23 23:22:31 UTC 2010

Brian your point is well taken. And come April-May-June when it Town 
budget time, we will hear voices yelling about the high facilities 
maintenance line items in the budget and maintenance cost of vehicles 
(that are not 90 years old, yet). No one is willing to give up roads, 
sidewalks, police, tree trimming, flowers in the parks or support for 
the market to paint something or fix a broken window.

Same old problem and why America has such a high debt level. People have 
lost the correlation between get and pay.

That din barely fades away when the screams rise in August(?) when the 
new tax bills arrive, which include the Town's share to cover everything 
no one was able to do without.

And the cycle repeats. Its just starting early this year.

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Brian Boettger wrote, On 10/22/2010 6:37 AM:
> Sell the property and be out of it. I'd rather see it sold so that it
> can be improved as I don't want the town taking on the responsibility
> and financial burden.

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