[RP TownTalk] Volunteering for Town Committees

James D. Holmes jdholmes at comcast.net
Mon Feb 3 18:35:59 UTC 2014


In your last e-mail message you complained that I don't come to Town 
meetings and don't volunteer.  You have a short memory.  I sent you the 
attached e-mail message over a year ago giving support to the Town by 
volunteering to be the Chairman of  the Riverdale Park Cable TV 
Franchise Committee.  I never heard anything from the Town.

Oh, maybe it's because there is not a Riverdale Park Cable TV Franchise 
Committee.  Why is there not a Riverdale Park Cable TV Franchise 
Committee.  The Town has collected over a half million dollars in 
franchise fees from the residents over the past 20 years.

The Riverdale Park Code gives the Town authority to regulate rates 
charged to subscribers.  Is there any review by the Town before Comcast 
or Verizon increases their cable TV rates?

*Chapter 61-11. Acts beneficial to subscribers.**
**The town shall be empowered to include as part of any franchise such 
terms and conditions as it deems beneficial to the subscribers in the 
franchise area, including the regulation of rates charged to such 

By-the-way, what is the status of the renewal contract for Cable TV 
Franchise agreement with Comcast.   Is the Town going to make this 
agreement public?  Will there be an increase of franchise fees charged 
to the residents?

J. Holmes

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Riverdale Park Cable TV Franchise Fee
Date: 	Thu, 10 Jan 2013 20:43:35 -0500
From: 	James D. Holmes <jdholmes at comcast.net>
To: 	jebbeler at riverdaleparkmd.gov


I am shocked, you are inquiring reference my request for investigation 
about being overcharged on the Franchise Fee.  I have heard nothing from 
the Town on both of my requests to Mayor Archer to conduct an 
investigation.  I ever sent an e-mail to Comcast CEO Mr. Brian L. 
Roberts.  I will gladly attach a copy of my Comcast bill.  As you can 
see I am being charged $4.13 for the franchise fee.  My Cable TV portion 
of the bill is $68.84. That equals to 6%.  In the past, the fee was at 6.5%.

I am still asking questions of the Town with no answers.  My recent 
request was made on January 1, 2013 to view documents on the quarterly 
payments received by the Town from Comcast (see FOI attachment)

*After all the recent discussion on the RP Town Talk Blog, I would like 
to volunteer and get involved with the Town.  Can you recommend that I 
be appointed Chairman of the Riverdale Park Cable TV Franchise 
Committee.  I would surely get to the bottom of why Comcast is 
overcharging the residents.*

Thanks for your concern.

Jim Holmes

On 2/2/2014 3:53 PM, Jonathan Ebbeler wrote:
> I've answered your questions ad naseum James. Your argument is a straw man. You may wish to define a very limited definition for how people may govern but the law that codifies this disagrees with you.
> Shame on you for trying to use the Calvert House to further an argument. The owners made a series of ill timed investments and the those decisions doomed them. The closing had to do 100% with the free market principles your claiming are being impaired.
> *Instead of only sitting behind a computer and being contrary why don't you do something to change the government.  You don't come to meetings to record your opinion in the official public record. You don't run for office to ever put your policy agenda into action. You don't volunteer with the town for our numerous committees where we have enormous need.  Your contribution to town is to tell everyone how anyone who has chosen to serve others are wrong.*
> I can't recall a single positive comment you have made about any citizen legislator or any policy on here and have yet to see you step up to the plate to try to actually change anything. I challenge you to take your criticism and do more than post on here.  I'll happily hand you my seat if you would step up to the plate. I'm sure your CM would do the same.
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