[RP TownTalk] Busy season for firefighters

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 16 12:28:02 UTC 2014

LOTS of stories in the news lately about house and apartment fires, many with fatalities.  This is a very busy season for firefighters. Be very careful if you use any heat or flame-generating device.  If you have a fireplace, make sure the chimney is cleaned regularly and dispose of the ashes safely.  If you have space heaters, keep them away from drapes, blankets, etc.  Be careful when you use candles, put them out if you're not going to be in the room and keep them away from flammable materials.  Don't leave food on the stove and go away "just for a little while." Keep matches, candles, lighters, etc., where children can't get to them, and teach your kids fire safety.  Have a home evacuation plan for your family and have practice drills.  And - have an adequate number of WORKING smoke detectors in your home.  These all sound like fairly obvious tips, but we're all  human, we all can get careless, forgetful, etc.  Let's keep our town
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