[RP TownTalk] [RP Town Announce] Cafritz Construction Update Notice for Weeks of June 16, 2014 and June 23, 2014

Jonathan W. Ebbeler jebbeler at riverdaleparkmd.gov
Wed Jun 18 18:31:12 UTC 2014

Hi Audrey –


Unless there is a Resolution I am unaware of, the same section of code applies to grass/leaf blowers/lawnmowers/radios/marching bands etc.  


Prohibition is between the hours of 10PM and 7AM and must comply with decibel levels as follows (generally):


Industrial             75dBA daytime and nighttime

Commercial        67 dBA daytime

                                62 dBA nighttime

Residential          60 dBA daytime

                                50 dBA nighttime


There are more specific prohibitions for ‘unnecessary noise’ that are prohibited regardless of sound level dBA compliance such as use of amplifiers, horns, yelling/shouting etc.


The permitted construction activities are within compliance, but as Kate points out it is not an unreasonable request for later starts on the weekends etc. but there does not appear to be any legal sufficiency to require it.





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