[RP TownTalk] Spring forward! Daylight savings time - FINALLY!

S.C. Lamphier s.lamphier at outlook.com
Sat Mar 7 18:14:10 UTC 2015

Courtesy of the Prince George’s Fire and
EMS Department…

 If you are still using a 9-volt battery
powered alarm you may want to use this time to provide a fresh battery in your
alarm and detectors now.  The bi-annual Change Your Clock - Change Your
Battery campaign starts at 2:00 am on Sunday, March 8.  This is the time
we ask everyone to provide a fresh battery to keep your alarm working.
 Remember that when you move your clocks forward 1-hour to start Daylight
Saving Time you need to provide a fresh battery in your alarms and detectors.
 Safety First - Everyone Goes Home.

Test your smoke and CO alarms.  It's

Push the TEST button on the front cover of your smoke and CO alarm.

An audible beeping noise SHOULD sound.  If it does - your done until next

If it does not sound an audible alarm - replace the battery.  Push the
TEST button again - still no alarm?? - remove the alarm and immediately replace
with a new 10-year, tamper proof, with hush feature smoke or CO alarm or better
yet a 10-year combination smoke/CO alarm.

County Law requires a working smoke alarm in your home.  Over the next two
years the law will continue to evolve to require a working 10-year smoke alarm
on every level of your home, primarily outside of sleeping areas.

County Law currently requires a working CO detector on every level of your
home, primarily, outside of sleeping areas.  This law includes all homes
with a gas service (natural, propane, oil, etc), a fireplace or an attached
garage.  This law also requires that all hotels, motels, dormitories and
all apartments and condos have working CO alarms.

If you need a working smoke alarm and can not afford to purchase one, call 311
and ask about the free smoke alarm program.


Steve Lamphier 
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