[RP TownTalk] bugs

Sarah Wayland sarah.wayland at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 12:27:48 UTC 2016

Dear TownTalk,

I have a building separate from my house that is in a very shady part of
our yard. It is a magnet for bugs - spiders, gnats, silverfish... it's
driving me crazy. I probably spend 15 minutes every morning cleaning up
dead bugs, and removing live bugs to a new life in the great out-of-doors.

I have never used chemical sprays to get rid of bugs in the over 20 years
we have lived here, but I have used ant traps. (I guess I have my limits.)

Anyway, I need some advice on how to deal with the bug situation. I'd be
open to a contacting a pest removal company, but really want to stay away
from toxic chemicals if at all possible.


(Please send replies to me, sarah.wayland at gmail.com, even if you respond to
the list - thanks!)


Sarah Wayland, Ph.D. | www.GuidingExceptionalParents.com
Supporting students with learning differences & their families
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